Welcome to SFP Services Ltd

Welcome to SFP Services Ltd, a manufacturer and supplier of air filter test instruments with BSEN ISO 9001.
SFP Services Ltd manufacturer and supply air filter test instruments to over 20 countries.
Our clients include BSI, 3M, MSA, Numatic International, Scott Health & Safety and Sperian Protection.

In House Testing
Testing to the following Specifications:-
EN 13742-7
EN143 AS Received NaCl
BS5415 Sec.2.2 Supp.No.1 (Type H.)
Also non-standard testing of air filtration devices to customers requirements.
Not only with Sodium flame photometers, but also the latest LAS X || laser counter.
Instruments used are traceable to National Standards where applicable.

Our engineers will calibrate on-site or where applicable portable units returned to SFP Services
YES ,We carry spares and have original detail drawings of Moores instruments and where necessary we will manufacture original parts to order.
NO , We regularly supply one off specials to suit customers requirements, every unit is hand built by qualified engineers.
Technical support is always available (see contact information page) and on-site assistance by prior arrangement.
We supply our own software package and PC for the following types of testing:
Total inward leakage to EN149
Inward leakage to EN 143
Filter test
Automatic filter test (when connected to appropriate test fixtures)
Aerosol loading.
Latest specifications are available on request.